Laura Casto-Boggess, PH.D.

Laura Casto-Boggess

Assistant Professor


  • B.S. Chemistry & Mathematics, West Virginia Wesleyan College
  • Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, West Virginia University

Field of Interest:

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Microfluidics
  • Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Measurement Science
  • Astrobiology

Research Focus:

Dr. Casto-Boggess’ research interests are at the interface of measurement science, engineering, planetary science, and biology to build instrumentation and advance analysis methods for understanding life or extraterrestrial chemistry out of this world. Research in the Casto-Boggess Lab combines microfluidic technologies, capillary electrophoresis, and optical detection methods to tackle problems currently limited by measurement science capabilities and address concerns around small volume sample handling, rapid analysis, high sensitivity detection, and temporal resolution.

Research Group